These guidelines help to minimize the impact of your visit on the natural environment and other visitors. Maintaining the park’s purity for future visitors is crucial.
Remove rubbish:
Litter is unsightly, detrimental to wildlife, and has the potential to increase. Plan your to avoid taking bottles and cans to minimize trash. Rinjani has a “pack it in, pack it out” policy, so be sure to carry out whatever you bring in to the track:
By following the trail, you can avoid trampling undergrowth and reduce the risk of becoming lost in the mountain.
Careful camping:
When camping, leave no trace of your visit.
Keep streams and lakes clean:
Put water in a container and wash well away from the water source. Soap and detergent are harmful to the creatures that live in the streams; drain used water into the ground.
Bury toilet waste:
In areas without toilet facilities, bury your toilet waste in a shallow hole well away from waterways, tracks, campsites, and shelters. Take care with fires Portable fuel stoves are less harmful to the environment and more efficient than fires. If you must use a fire keep it small and ensure it is completely out before leaving by dousing it with water and checking the ashes.
Respect cultural and natural heritage:
Respecting the local culture can help protect Mt. Rinjani’s spiritual and historical significance. Conserve wildlife and plants in the National Park by removing nothing.
Consider other visitors:
Walk quietly through the forest so as not to disturb the wildlife that you and others have come to see.
Enjoy your visit:
Enjoy your visit, and before leaving the area, take one last look—will the next know that you have been here?