Foods on Trek

Foods and beverages essential for a successful climb of Mount Rinjani require extra energy. We fresh food, fruits, and drinks that supply with ample energy listed below:


Day 1 Trek:


Provided at Your hotel


Welcome with:  Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok.
Soft Drink: Coke
Main: Fried vegetables with chicken, eggs, Tempe, Tofu, and Chips.
Fruits: Watermelon, Orange, Apple, and Pineapple.


Welcome with: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea with Fried Banana and Cheese.
Main: Fried Rise Special with Chicken, Eggs, Tempe, Tofu, and Chips.
Extra: Fruit Salad.

Day 2 Trek:


Drink: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Chocolate with Burger + Fried Potato and Salad


Welcome with: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea.
Main: Noodles Soup with Vegetables, Eggs, and Plain Rise.


Welcome with: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea.
Main: Fried Noodles Special with Chicken, Eggs, Tempe, Tofu, and Salad.

Day 3 Trek:


Drink: Banana Pancake + Toast and Salad with Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea.


Welcome with: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Chocolate.
Main: Spaghetti Bolognese Plus Salad.
Soft Drink: Pulpy Orange.
Fruits: Banana, Apple, Orange, Watermelon, and Pineapple.


Welcome with: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea.
Main: Gado-Gado Special with Salad.

Day 4 Trek:


Drink: Hot Tea/ Lemon Tea/ Coffee Lombok/ Ginger Tea.
Omelet Eggs + Toast and Salad


Urap-Urap Vegetable + Plain Rice and Salad
Soft Drink: Pocary Sweat

NOTE: Mineral Water 3 liter/person/day + unlimited boiled water.